Retirement Isn’t About A Number
For decades, the financial service industry has focused the retirement conversation almost exclusively on money. The truth of the matter is, retirement isn’t just about savings and investments. It is about you, your life, your goals, and your happiness.
Barry LaValley and Mark Finke have combined their life’s work and poured it into the pages of the book “So You Think You Are Ready To Retire”. Their goal is to educate anyone near or at retirement about the truths surrounding the transition.
Retirement doesn’t automatically mean happiness. It is a journey that requires an understanding of what creates happiness for you and how to prepare for that happiness. Retirement is not 365 days of leisure every year. If that was the case, your leisure would become like work and you would be searching for a break from that as well!
“So You Think You Are Ready To Retire” guides you through the experience of retirement. It prepares you for the road that lies ahead and helps to make the trip enjoyable.